Railway Station

             India has very large railway network. But to cover all village in rail network is very difficult. So we the people of Jagudan are very lucky about this. There is one railway station in our village. For me this is biggest achievement to have a railway station because I am found of Indian railway. This rail line connect our small village to big cities like Ahmedabad,Kalol,Mehsana,Delhi and Mumbai. To travel in bus is comparatively costly then railway. There is one intresting fact about jagudan village is that this railway station built at time when India was under British government. Too old. isn't it? This facility is very useful for villagers mosty those people who work at Ahmedabad. Every day 100 to 200 people travel by train in Jagudan.

              As you can see it is very clean. Our railway station is small but that is enough for the people of village.In picture that is a office on Jagudan railway station all information related train provided by this office.There are hardly four or five people work in this office. 

       This railway line has no electric line to run electric train so that is also under cunstruction with in six month or one year it will be completed. Electric line will step up growth of our village.


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