Bus Station

    My village is now ready to travel far and wide. Now days transportation is mostly needed facility for every person. No matter by bus, by rail or by air. In old days people of Jagudan traveled by bullock-cart. I must say that was very very slow. But now bus transport is now available in Jagudan. It is useful for everyone in village. This facility is mostly useful to those people who work in the nearest city Mehsana regularly. In a day 5 or 7 buses pass through Jagudan and it is enough for our villagers. Good roads are also available in my village so if you want to visit our village, I am sure you can easily reach at my village Jagudan.

                 In small village like Jagudan there is importance of only bus not for the construction of bus stand. Main reason of this is that this bus stand is in center of village and every villager know the bus time so they don't come at bus stand and wait for bus instead the arrive at bus stand at right time, because it will take only one to three minutes to reach bus stop. So the construction of bus stand has null value. 


                   This picture taken form Bus stand. If you are at bus stop and waiting for bus then you will see the situation described in upper photo. you can see there are some rickshaw in picture they are alternative of bus transport if you can't wait for bus then go through rickshaw.  


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